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Diabetic Medical Supplies Shipped to Your Home

WONACE Medical Supply works with your Insurance and Healthcare provider to get you continuous glucose monitors and diabetic testing supplies at your convenience. Fill out the Form Below to start the process.

Freestyle Libre or Dexcom (CGM) Information Form

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Preferred Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
Do you Use Insulin?

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Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM)
Guide to Choosing the Best Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) System

Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) systems have revolutionized diabetes management by providing real-time data on blood sugar levels. Selecting the best CGM system for your needs involves considering various factors to ensure optimal performance and user experience. Here is a WONACE's detailed guide to help you choose the most suitable CGM system:


Accuracy and Reliability:

  • Look for CGM systems known for their accuracy in glucose readings. Check for clinical studies and user reviews to gauge the reliability of the system.

  • Consider the sensor's lifespan and how often calibration is required for accurate readings.



  • Evaluate the ease of use of the CGM system, including sensor insertion, calibration process (if necessary), and data interpretation.

  • Check if the system offers intuitive interfaces, mobile apps, and user-friendly features for a smooth user experience.


Continuous Monitoring Features:

  • Assess the frequency of glucose readings provided by the CGM system. Some systems offer real-time monitoring, while others may have delayed readings.

  • Consider additional features such as trend graphs, predictive alerts, and customizable alarms for high and low glucose levels.


Data Sharing and Connectivity:

  • Look for CGM systems that allow seamless data sharing with healthcare providers, caregivers, or family members. Remote monitoring capabilities can enhance collaborative care.

  • Consider the connectivity options of the system, such as wireless data transmission, smartphone app compatibility, and cloud storage for easy access to glucose data.


Customization and Alerts:

  • Evaluate the customization options available for setting glucose level alerts, alarm thresholds, and personalized settings based on individual preferences.

  • Check if the CGM system offers customizable features to tailor the monitoring experience to your specific needs and lifestyle.


Compatibility and Integration:

  • Ensure that the CGM system is compatible with other diabetes management devices or insulin pumps if you use them for treatment.

  • Consider integration capabilities with insulin delivery systems or diabetes management software for a comprehensive approach to diabetes care.


Cost and Insurance Coverage:

  • Compare the costs associated with the CGM system, including the initial device cost, sensor replacements, and ongoing expenses.

  • Check if your health insurance covers the CGM system or if there are reimbursement options available to make it more affordable.


Customer Support and Training:

  • Evaluate the customer support services offered by the CGM manufacturer, including technical assistance, training resources, and troubleshooting guides.

  • Consider the availability of educational materials, online tutorials, and user communities for learning how to use the CGM system effectively.


Durability and Comfort:

  • Assess the durability of the CGM components, including the sensor adhesive, transmitter, and receiver, to ensure long-term reliability.

  • Consider comfort aspects such as sensor wearability, size, and the ability to maintain adherence during daily activities and exercise.


Healthcare Provider Recommendations:

  • Seek guidance from your healthcare provider or diabetes care team when choosing a CGM system. They can offer personalized recommendations based on your medical history and treatment goals.

  • Consult with healthcare professionals to understand how the CGM system aligns with your diabetes management plan and whether it meets your specific needs.


By considering these factors and conducting thorough research, you can select the best CGM system that aligns with your preferences, lifestyle, and diabetes management requirements. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals for tailored advice and support in choosing the most suitable CGM system for your individual needs.


WONACE Medical Supply Freestyle Libre
Pros of Choosing a CGM System

Real-Time Data Monitoring:

One of the most significant advantages of using a CGM system is the continuous tracking of glucose levels throughout the day and night. This real-time data allows for better insights into how diet, exercise, medication, and other factors impact blood sugar levels.


Improved Diabetes Management:

CGM systems provide valuable information that can help individuals and healthcare providers make more accurate treatment decisions. By detecting trends and patterns in glucose levels, CGM systems enable better management of diabetes and adjustment of insulin dosages.


​Alerts and Alarms:

CGM systems offer customizable alerts and alarms for high and low glucose levels, helping users take prompt action to prevent hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. These alerts can be life-saving and provide peace of mind for individuals and their loved ones.


Data Sharing:

Many CGM systems allow for easy data sharing with healthcare providers, caregivers, or family members. This sharing enables remote monitoring and timely interventions, fostering better communication and collaboration in diabetes management.


Increased Convenience:

With advancements in technology, CGM systems now offer wireless connectivity and smartphone apps for convenient data access and monitoring on-the-go. This convenience simplifies the process of managing diabetes and empowers users to take control of their health.


In conclusion, choosing a CGM system is a personal decision that should take into account individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle factors. Despite some drawbacks, the benefits of CGM technology in improving diabetes management and quality of life are substantial. By weighing the pros and cons discussed in this guide, individuals can make an informed choice and select a CGM system that best meets their unique requirements.


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